Sunday Snippets,  Work In Progress

Eight Sunday-02/24/2013

Sunday Snippet time. Today’s eight sentences are part of the Weekend Writing Warriors meme. Click over for a full list of this week’s participating writers.

Today’s excerpt is from my current WIP, a contemporary erotic romance. Matthias and Caroline were unlikely best friends — a gangly nerd from a family who had next to nothing and a constant class favorite, the beautiful daughter of a well-to-do family. Each harbored deeper feelings for one another, neither brave enough to share them before graduating high school and losing touch for thirteen life-altering years.

The first two excerpts are here and here. Today’s snippet also comes from the early pages of chapter one, as Matthias sits in a booth where Caroline is waitressing.

The kitchen door swung again as she reappeared in the dining room. She cut a straight path toward him, and he sat back, enjoying every second. The gentle curves she’d had in high school had lived up to their promise. Nice, full breasts on display in a low-cut, pale-pink sweater. The apron cinched around her waist accented her hourglass curves. Too bad she was wearing jeans. He’d love to see those legs again. How many times had he stared down at them during class under the guise of looking at his binder — her skin temptingly bare below the edge of a short skirt, her knee brushing his as they huddled over an experiment in the physics lab.

 Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful Sunday. 🙂


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