Cup of Sugar,  Sunday Snippets

Sunday Snippet—CUP OF SUGAR—Car Trouble

Since we’re in the middle of another frigid, snowy winter, this week’s Sunday snippet is from the first page of CUP OF SUGAR, which opens on a blustery New Year’s Eve. Conn and Nia are new-ish neighbors, but they don’t know each other very well—yet.

Cup of Sugar by Karla Doyle“My car won’t start.”

Chalk this one up as a late Christmas present from the universe. Conn motioned at the passenger door. She nodded in response, so he opened it, stuck his head and shoulders inside. “I’m at your service—I can jump you or give you a ride.”

She squeaked—actually squeaked—and the frost melted from her expression. Oh, she was still pink in the cheeks, the color just didn’t look cold-weather induced. Maybe this New Year’s Eve wouldn’t completely suck after all.

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Check the Weekend Writing Warriors website for a full list of this week’s participants.


Nia has one rule—don’t date neighbors. Simple, except the guy next door is single, handsome, and not inclined to close his blinds while naked. When her car dies, Conn takes “being neighborly” to a new level by offering a ride to her long-distance destination. Nia has resisted his looks and charm for months. Surely she can handle a few hours in his truck…

For months, Conn has blatantly put himself on display, hoping his pretty blonde neighbor would tire of secretly watching and come knock on his door for a cup of sugar—or more. No such luck—until an unusual opportunity arises. After a six-hour drive turns into a sweet-and-sexy weekend, Conn wants more than neighborly status with Nia. To get it, he must convince her to break the rule protecting her heart—by putting his on the line.


Read Chapter One

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