• Body of Work,  Sunday Snippets

    Sunday Snippet – Body of Work

    bodyofworkTime for eight very sexy sentences!

    Today’s excerpt is from BODY OF WORK, and comes to you as part of the Weekend Writing Warriors meme. Make sure you check out the list of participating authors, and thank you so much for stopping here.  🙂

    On to the snippet. What woman wouldn’t like to hear a speech like this one, from Brian to Cassie…


    “Give me a taste of rough and raw and I have to fight not to get lost in it, to give in to my possessiveness. And it’s so fucking strong with you. If I had my way, I’d tattoo my name on your pretty little body as a warning to anybody who dared look too closely, and a reminder to you exactly where you belong. Then I’d keep you so incredibly well-fucked you wouldn’t have the time or energy to look at another man.”

    At some point during his speech, her bones must’ve dissolved, because she’d utterly melted against his big, hard body. “Stay.”

    “There’s more.”

    “I don’t care — tell me after I’m so well-fucked the only thing I can do is lie there and listen.”


    Want more alpha-licious Brian?

    BODY OF WORK on Goodreads

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